In this blog I 'll try to share some antics of both my cats and my students. I have two cats; an abyssinian and an ocicat. I teach in a junior high.
If you have ever befriended abyssinians, you already know they have a (severely!) limited attention span. Mine is no exception. Just the other day I was playing with him and threw him a toy which he usually fetches and my other cat moved about and distracted him. He ran back to me without the toy and happily circled my legs purring and apparently waiting for me to throw it back... He occasionally runs into things when he is fetching, simply because there is no room in his head for any other thing besides the toy. Often he has ran into walls, doors and into our other cat.
My hubby has long hair and uses elastic bands for tying it. These days we need to put all the bands into a little box with a tight lid and then put the box in his office desk drawer. Regardless, the aby (Bruce) pries the drawer open after we have gone to bed and tries to open the lid of the box. Every once in a while he succeeds and in the morning we find all the elastic bands strewn around the floor. And the ultimate reason why we need to such a thing in the first place is the fact that Bruce tends to carry the bands in his mouth and climb on us at night. Then he walks around on us and meows and purrs and wants us to throw him the nice toy so he can fetch it back! You see, earlier we actually did make the mistake of giving him the bands as toys and throwing them to him for fetching.
Do you have an aby who fetches? It is such a joy at night...